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"Hello and welcome friends, I am Basile Schofield.

I've been waiting for you and those like you to find my page and begin their journey. I've taken on the title of Life Coach to help many in diverse ways. Where the world is struggling to teach adequately with methods proven to inform and educate, I have decided to take up the mantle and do the hard work. Most therapists and psychiatrists do not afford their patients time, energy, or an ounce of hope. Most people on social media would rather feed you negativity and terribly horrible stories to goat you into paying for their scams. I would like to provide you with the tools you need to heal yourself and find a future worth living."

His origins began within the depths of the heart. He quickly realized that the heart has many roads that coexist alongside the paths that lead us to happiness. The many storms of memories that cast scars upon our vessels leave us anchored inside of chaos that can only be washed away with time and calm waters. To help all who needed assistance became his purpose and to fulfill that desire, he forged this path for those in desperate need. He is Basile Schofield. Your friend, your fellow human being, and the man who truly believes that we are one.

Join SCHOFIELD on Discord, X, or Instagram. He freequently posts on his social media to promote education and knowledge for those in need writing articles for those seeking answers. A mother in search of answers for her restless daughter dealing with Sleep Paralysis fraught night terrors. A young woman who struggles with understanding the reality of dating in a world full of sexist expectations. His newly developed Discord channel will give you the close and private advantage of being able to take part in a free consoltation. Currently, consoltations are limited due to scheduling and availability. Consoltations are text based conversations. Like DMing a friend. He requires the support of followers like you to help him find the time to help everyone as quickly as he can.



"Assisting people direct their lives for years. My adventure began working alongside children with special needs. I worked with the elderly in hospice care, understanding the patience and kindness of a caring heart looking into the great beyond while still wanting peace daily and doing their best to provide it. The developmentally disabled became my friends as I tended to their needs and grew to know them as intelligent beings like you or I who are so often misunderstood. Spent years building bonds between partners and hearing their misunderstandings, repairing that bridge and strengthening their foundation. Assisting the depressed, the traumatized, the anxious, and teaching others to evade manipulation and take care of themselves. Now my adventure takes me abroad. Everyone has the ability to be at peace with their life. Young or old, disabled or traumatized, you or I. We are one."


Your life, your future, your choice.

SCHOFIELD, B. 2019 ©


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